Recovery Mode

Earlier this week I met with my surgeon to check on the skin graft’s healing. The “islands” of skin coverage are larger. He wants me to leave it exposed to the air as much as possible so it dries. I’m also supposed to gently wash it with Dove and a washcloth to debride some of the gunk. He’ll check again in a month.

After that appointment I met with the Cancer & Exercise Specialist (exercise physiologist) working with solid tumor patients on a research study, “Exercise in All ChemoTherapy (EnACT)”. The purpose is to learn if one-on-one exercise counseling will help one become more active, resulting in fewer side effects, less cancer related fatigue, improved quality of life, and improved function. She’ll provide a customized exercise prescription to follow and chart at home. The program includes cardiovascular exercise, strength training, balance training, flexibility and range of motion, and relaxation and rest. It was a no-brainer and I signed the informed consent.

Thursday was my PET/CT scan with labs, oncology, and infusion (1st Opdivo only, w/no more Yervoy) also scheduled – a long hospital day. Bill had to wheel me to nuclear medicine because I was too weak to walk that far. I had been feeling ill since my last combination Yervoy-Opdivo infusion 3 weeks prior, so I wasn’t feeling very hopeful about the scan results. Immediately after the scan I scarfed down two granola bars (I actually felt hungry!), and then we checked into the Cancer Institute.

After the scan and check-in to the Cancer Institute, we met with the exercise physiologist. She reviewed my notebook with all of the PT exercises I’ve done, and tried out a few exercises with me. She’d prepare the exercise program and deliver it to me while I was in infusion later that day. She also provided me with some equipment to use at home to do my exercises.

Scan Results: Overall, big picture, the results were fairly better than I expected because there was nothing new. There were two “old” things that need attention. First is the right outer lower breast nodule that was 8mm and mildly FDG avid 3 months ago, and is now 9mm and moderately to intensely avid. It’s still small, but moving in the wrong direction, so it was recommended to follow-up with ultrasound. Second is a new intensely avid linear lucency in the right hip that appears as a fracture. Since the rest of the right hip showed slight metabolic improvement, x-rays were recommended to rule out a fracture.

Right Breast Ultrasound Results: Because it had been 6 months since my mammogram, which was clear, I had a 3-D mammogram and ultrasound. It was confirmed that it’s a small solid tumor, but cannot distinguish between breast cancer or melanoma. I’m scheduled for a quick biopsy on the 14th to help make that determination which will decide treatment options.

Right Hip X-ray Results: “No radiographic correlate for abnormality in the anterior column of the right acetabulum seen on PET/CT.” In other words, no fracture!

Because I was still suffering the side effects of the Yervoy-Opdivo combo infusion from 3 weeks ago, my oncologist withheld my Opdivo infusion – I’ll start in 2 weeks. He prescribed a higher dose (60mg/day) course of prednisone to try and break me out of this sickness cycle and end the diarrhea. Well, my appetite improved a bit during Thursday afternoon. I woke up Friday feeling a bit better and decided to wait and see if I would have another episode of diarrhea before starting the prednisone (I really don’t do well on it!). I’m still waiting for that episode, knock on wood, so I haven’t taken any prednisone yet. I’m certainly not ravenous, but I’m trying to eat a little more and actually feel hungry at times, and I haven’t lost any more weight. I’m also finally starting to get some sleep, which the prednisone would have fully robbed from me. So I think I’ve turned a corner and am improving. The exercise feels good and I think it has helped my mood and ability to sleep. At least I’m not a constant lump on the recliner anymore!

My thyroid function had a bit of a change from low functioning to higher functioning, so my levothyroxine dosage was decreased. Yervoy had effected it 3 years ago.

This coming week we meet with the radiation doctor to review all of these results. There’s no urgency in immediate treatment, so we’re inclined to let my body continue to recover a bit longer. We’ll see what he recommends and go from there.

I finally made the move to begin a melanoma support group at the Cancer Institute. The nurses put me in touch with two other women with a similar interest and they’re both onboard to help. We meet for the first time on the 13th. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for years, and it gives me a great feeling of purpose!

Yervoy Side Effects

From “The most common side effects of YERVOY include tiredness, diarrhea, itching, rash, nausea, vomiting, headache, weight loss, fever, decreased appetite, and difficulty falling or staying asleep.” I’ve already had the itching and rash side effects, so I guess that left all the rest for after the 4th and final treatment. Luckily, knock on wood, I haven’t been vomiting. What I still have since Thursday night are tiredness, diarrhea, nausea, minor headaches that come and go, fever, decreased appetite (as in no appetite) with corresponding weight loss, and difficulty falling or staying asleep. I’m either sweaty or chilly, especially throughout the night, which might be fever-related?

Last night I pulled out Dr. Block’s book, Life Over Cancer, to search for some solutions. To offset the diarrhea, it suggests to drink lots of filtered water to stay hydrated. Sip small amounts of clear, room-temperature liquids throughout the day. To maintain the electrolyte balance, eat fish, bananas, and potatoes, as good sources of potassium, and crackers and pretzels because of their sodium content. Diarrhea-fighting foods include rice porridge, tapioca, barley broth, miso, and potato-based veggie soup. Some other foods that might help are white rice, cream of rice cereal, refined white flour products such as white bread and noodles, eggs (not fried), low-fiber veggies (peeled cucumber, peeled potato, peeled zucchini, mushrooms), and low-fiber fruit (applesauce, grapes, peeled peaches, bananas, mandarin oranges, tangerines, melons, mango, plums). Bananas and applesauce are the fruits of choice because they contain pectin. Eat small, frequent meals and snacks.

I am waiting for a callback from my oncologist’s nurse to see if there is anything else I can do to offset these side effects besides chewing a GasX tablet four times a day and taking Omeprazole. . . After a few back and forth messages, orders are now in for me to pick up a “kit” from the lab tomorrow to provide them with a stool sample, and to get an x-ray to rule out any blockage. In the meantime, I’m wondering if I might need a higher dose of my thyroid medicine (initially needed after taking Yervoy a few years ago). I’m going to message my oncologist now in case I could have blood taken while I’m there tomorrow. It’s time to get to the bottom of this so I can begin feeling better.

Last Combo Infusion & Skin Graft Update

This past Thursday the surgeon checked my skin graft and said that there are islands of the graft that have taken. I still have to redress it daily but can drop the wet-to-dry step. He also said to let it air out as I’m able so it dries a bit. I’ll see him again in almost three weeks.

Thursday was my last Yervoy/Opdivo combo infusion (4th of 4). After this I’ll only get Opdivo every two weeks (easily tolerated and a much shorter infusion). I also got my flu shot. Although the only side effect I had experienced up till now was a slight decrease in appetite, that changed Thursday night with an entire lack of appetite and chills that kept me awake till 1:30am. Yesterday I still had no appetite and added a second dose of omeprazole to try and ease the belly bloat and constant burping (didn’t work). The chills started earlier around 5:30pm and I couldn’t get warm. We finally took my temp – 102.9F. I took two extra strength Tylenol and that helped a bit. This morning was the same story: bloating, burping, no appetite. Then my body added an episode of diarrhea – grrreat. These are all common side effects of Yervoy that I was fortunate to avoid through the previous three treatments.

To make sure I am doing all I should to control side effects, I talked to the on-call doctor. Sounds like I’m doing everything right except I should increase fluids. If I worsen or feel that I cannot manage at home, he suggested I visit the ED for lab work. However, without examining me, his best guess is either the Yervoy catching up with me, or the Opdivo (immunotherapy) ramping up to interact with the flu vaccine. Makes sense.

Tonight I took the Tylenol around 4:30 before I got the chills, and it seems to be helping. I do NOT feel horrible, just slightly under the weather. Chocolate Ensure, hot tea and a daily banana are sustaining me. I have survived much worse than this! 😁

Onward and looking to a better week ahead!